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Home / Explores / Haylie brae cemetery largs

The Haylie Brae Cemetery is a burial ground located in the town of Largs, North Ayrshire, Scotland.

The cemetery was opened in 1959 and is no longer available for new burials. It is believed that more than 12,000 burials have taken place within the cemetery.

The land is well maintained and on our visit, the grass and foliage had been well cut and the location looked to have been well looked after.

The cemetery contains a mix of headstones from older very elaborate gravestones to more modern simple stone designs. One stone, in particular, stands out as being very grand. This is the resting place of the former art collector Sir William Burrell.

His final resting place commands a high vantage point overlooking the cemetery. In our video, we take a walk around the cemetery and look at some of the more grans headstones we find along the way.