
Seafield Boys School

A short explore of a former boys school located in Ayrshire, Scotland...

Crookston Castle

Crookston Castle is the only remaining medieval castle within the city of Glasgow. The present castle was built by the Stewarts of Darnley around 1400. It was built on the site of an earthwork thought...

Duchal Castle – Kilmacolm

Duchal Castle in Kilmacolm, Scotland We have visited the remains of Duckal Castle in the past but it is always interesting to return to a location to see how it has changed. With a very old site like...

Hilltop Farm

We stumbled upon this former farm building when looking for another location. We thought the farm was still in active use until we arrived to find it derelict and abandoned. From the condition of the...

WWII Coastal Battery

Cloch Battery was a coastal defence battery located near the town of Gourock on the West Coast of Scotland. It was operational in both WWI and WWII. Today you can still find fragmented remains of the...

The Tenement House – Glasgow

The Tenement House in Glasgow is a time capsule into the past and gives us an idea of what it would have been like to live in a typical middle-class Glasgow tenement. The home has been preserved and...